State Management made
AgileTs is a global, flexible, spacy State and Logic Library
Poke me 👆 to mutate my color State.
Why choose us?
AgileTs saves you the hassle of creating boilerplate code and offers a powerful API that makes your life easier.
// Instantiate a global States with a single line of code
const MY_STATE = createState("Jeff"); // <-
MY_STATE.set("Frank"); // Update State value
// Dynamically bind State to UI-Components for reactivity
const myState = useAgile(MY_STATE);
// Permanently store State in the appropriate local Storage
// Create a dynamic and reactive set of States
const USERS = createCollection(); // <-
USERS.collect({id: 1, name: "Jeff"}, ['teamA']);
// Compute State depending on other States
const IS_AUTH = createComputed(() => {
return AUTH_TOKEN.exists && EXPIRATION_TIME.value > 0;
Create State
Instantiate a global State with a single line of code.
Subscribe UI-Component
Dynamically bind State to UI-Components for reactivity.
Persist State
Permanently store State in the appropriate local Storage.
Easily create a dynamic and reactive set of States.
Computed State
Compute State depending on other States.
AgileTs allows you to easily manage all of your application logic and states outside of the UI-Components in a central place.
AgileTs works with nearly any UI-Layer and isn’t bound to any specific workflow. Use it the way it suits you best.
Easy to Use
Learn the powerful tools of AgileTs in a short amount of time.
Well Tested
AgileTs has over 600 jest tests to ensure everything works as expected.
AgileTs is almost 100% typesafe and provides type inference for any complex structure.
Stop Talking
Start Coding
Always Open Source.
Trusted by GitHub community
Give it a Try. It's 100% free.
npm install @agile-ts/core